If you have been advised to remain at home, it is essential you follow these guidelines, but it is also vital you stay active and positive. These are challenging times, but anyone having to stay at home needs a helping hand, and we have some lockdown tips for those at risk.
Develop a routine and stick to it
One of the most important things in a period of uncertainty is to develop a routine. Ideally, you should stick to your regular bed-time and time you rise if possible. Doing so will maintain a level of “normality” in your life, and it will help you revert back to previous conditions when restrictions are lifted.
Also, it is likely many of us will have a looser structure in our life right now. Anything which delivers structure should be viewed as a positive feature.
Move around the home
If you are fortunate enough to have a number of rooms at home, try and not stay in the same room at all times. Changing your view or setting can help you reduce the feelings of every day being the same. If possible, leave your bedroom for sleeping at your normal time, as this will help you fall asleep at the time.
Keep in touch with others
If you are currently home alone, it is important you keep in touch with others. Even if you don’t have family members or close friends to call on, it is vital you engage with others. There are many online social communities and clubs. You will find Twitter and Facebook to be a place where you can share experiences and see how other people are reacting.
While it is vital we practice social-distancing, online, engaging socially with others is highly recommended
Recognise you will experience a wide range of emotions
We all deal with things differently, but no matter how prepared you are or calm under pressure, it is okay to feel stressed and even overwhelmed by the current situation. This is an unprecedented time, and no one knows exactly what is going to happen.
There will be times when you worry about what will happen, and it would be wrong to ignore or overlook these feelings. However, it is also vital to accept virtually everyone in this position feels the same. Try to retain a positive outlook and be optimistic with yourself and with others.
Be mindful of what you eat
Be aware that over-eating and emotional eating can be triggered by boredom, by worrying, panic and anxiety. Therefore, it is important people realise that over-eating is a risk many of us face during a lockdown period, especially when we may not be as active as we usually are.
Remaining active and trying not to worry too much about the current situation are easier said than done, but doing so will reduce the likelihood of people snacking throughout the day and evening.
Also, it is fair to say some people will struggle to buy food these days. If you cannot leave home, you may be dependent on delivery services, people helping out, and whatever you have in the cupboard, fridge and freezer.
Try to be as creative as you can, and make sure you enjoy fruit and vegetables. Everyone has their own tastes and preferences, not to mention special dietary requirements, so try to come up with a food plan that works for you, and which will provide you with the sustenance you need.
At Andrew Lees, we appreciate that for many people, letting property is the furthest thing from their mind. However, we do know some people need to move as soon as possible, and there will also be people looking for guidance and information regarding the letting industry.
As an experienced letting agent serving the Bridgwater community, and many of the surrounding areas, we are here to help. We promise to stay in touch with the latest technology, helping our clients to achieve more, and we aim to support the local community as best we can. If there is anything, we can assist you with; please contact us today.